PTC-2 Project


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Four tropical cyclones hit the Philippines within one month, causing untold suffering and losses among several million Filipinos. On 26 September, tropical cyclone Ketsana swept across the main Philippine island, Luzon, bringing a month’s worth of rain in just 12 hours and causing the worst floods in over four decades. A week after Ketsana, on 3 October 2009, Luzon was again battered, by tropical cyclone Parma. According to the NDCC, more than 9.3 million people were affected by the two typhoons, causing 929 deaths. Some 1.2 million persons were displaced and had to stay in evacuation centres, whereas an unknown number of displaced people stayed with host families. A total of 120,000 families or up to 720,000 persons are living in houses that are still submerged in water. The Philippine Tropical Cyclones 2009 Shelter and Livelihood Recovery Project is a follow up Action to the recently concluded Philippine Tropical Cyclones Emergency Response Project. The objective of the project is to cover the humanitarian needs of the vulnerable populations of the Cordillera and neighbouring regions, Philippines, affected by the series of tropical cyclones in 2009 through the provision of transitional shelter and livelihood recovery support that mainstream disaster risk reduction components. This will be achieved through the following key result areas:

  1. Displaced households returning to their areas of origin or relocating to new areas have constructed semi-permanent shelters and have implemented landslide mitigation measures.
  2. Communities whose livelihoods are assessed to have not yet recovered from the impact of tropical cyclones have received adequate livelihood recovery support that integrates DRR components.

Project Details

Name of Project: Philippine Tropical Cyclones 2009 Shelter and Livelihood Recovery Project
Location: 67 barangays in Benguet, Mountain Province, Ifugao, Kalinga, Apayao and Rizal
Start date of project: 15 June 2010
End date of project: 14 June 2011
Partners: CARE Nederland, CorDisRDS
Donor: European Commission Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department
Total project budget: EUR500,000
Beneficiaries: 6,360 households