Who We Are
What is ACCORD Inc.?
ACCORD Inc. is a new organization that draws its strength from its members who posses long local and international experience in diverse yet interrelated fields and disciplines including disaster risk reduction, environment and natural resource management, climate change adaptation, food security, and local governance. ACCORD Inc. traces its roots to the Strengthening Assets and Capacities of Communities and Local Governments for Resilience to Disasters (ACCORD) Project, which is a collaboration amongst CARE Nederland, the Corporate Network for Disaster Response and the Agri-Aqua Development Coalition, with funding from the European Commission Humanitarian Aid department.
One of the important lessons from the ACCORD Project is that improving local capacities in quality programming is key to achieving larger and lasting outcomes. Sadly, it was also realized that serious gaps exist in the programming capacities of communities, people’s organizations, local government units and NGOs. Successful projects could not be replicated or scaled up, nor new complementary projects designed because of this lack. ACCORD Inc. was established specifically to fill this gap. ACCORD Inc. commits to build local capacities in programming so that poverty reduction and other programmes developed by communities, people’s organizations, local government units and NGOs would be more effective, would have sustainable outcomes, and would be replicated and scaled up.