This book, the first to be released under the Partners for Resilience program, aims to be an important part of the campaign to inform and shape policies for scaling up climate-smart community resilience building. It is a compilation of evidence-based lessons and good practices learned from PfR experiences in Indonesia and the Philippines. It has been six months since Yolanda devastated several areas across the central Philippines, and the need to incorporate resilience into the recovery process has already been recognized by stakeholders. This book is our modest contribution to the growing number of resources on building resilience.
Partners for Resilience (PfR) is an alliance of five Netherlands-based humanitarian, development and environmental organizations (CARE, Cordaid, Netherlands Red Cross, Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate Centre and Wetlands International) who joined together to reduce the impact of natural hazards on vulnerable communities. The alliance works across nine countries and aims to strengthen the resilience of more than 600,000 people through a five-year program supported by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Our target readers for this compilation are PfR partners, civil society organizations and the PfR alliance itself. It is also useful for agencies, organizations and individuals working on disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and ecosystems management and restoration, and the integration of these three areas towards resilience.
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